15 Best Supporting Characters In Sci-Fi Movies

11. Mantis - Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 2

Vasquez Aliens
Marvel Studios

Mantis first appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in Guardians of the Glaxy Vol. 2, where the Guardians encounter her as she travels with Ego, Peter Quill's Celestial father.

She is an empath, and to begin with she uses her abilities to help Ego while he travels in human form.

She's childlike, characterized as being particularly innocent and and naive, but she turns against Ego to aid the Guardians, eventually joining both their ranks and those of the Avengers.

Mantis is an interesting character, and gets much less attention that she deserves. Her power is mostly used for a little comic relief while among the Guardians, even though she is the only reason that they are able to defeat Ego.

She's a character that complements other heroes well, and really fleshes out the dynamic of the ensemble cast by lending her unique abilities to proceedings.

Hopefully, moving forward, Mantis will be given more screen time and a more robust personal story.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.