15 Biggest Guilty Pleasure Movies Of 2018

2. Gotti

Gotti John Travolta
MoviePass Ventures

Widely accepted to be the worst wide-release movie of 2018, this biopic of legendary John Gotti is a film so spectacularly terrible it almost circles all the way back around again and becomes good.

But seriously, it's absolute cack that positively deserves to be seen.

John Travolta commits to the titular role like he's gunning for an Oscar in a film where director Kevin Connolly - yes, E from Entourage - makes practically every off-base directing choice a filmmaker possibly could.

The result is an instant camp-classic that's loaded with accidental laughs in basically every scene.

"Best" Moment: Nothing tops the riotous opening, in which Gotti (Travolta) breaks the fourth wall and talks to the audience about how great a city New York is.

Without context, you'd assume it was an SNL parody of every Scorsese knock-off released since Goodfellas, but bizarrely, the entire scene - and indeed, the entire movie - is played 100% straight.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.