15 Cheesy Movie Quotes (That Were Awesome At The Time)

3. Lessons In Pain With Swayze - Road House

In between suggestively dancing with barely legal girls and stalking his wife from beyond the grave, Patrick Swayze was beating righteousness into bar thugs. Road House was the type of film which demonstrated that it is acceptable to engage in heavily choreographed fights first, and take the high road later. The Quote: "Pain don't hurt." The reason this comes across as lame is because we're supposed to believe Dalton is some kind of Zen mastermind; a small time bouncer who fights like Bruce Lee, makes love with the prowess of a whirling dervish, and philosophises on the mysteries of life. Frankly, that's rather hard to buy into, and the infamous line certainly doesn't help matters. It's completely meaningless. Dalton must have attended the same oxymoronic mantra creation school as the government of Airstrip One.

2. Nic Cage: Friend To The Bees - The Wicker Man (2006)

The 2006 remake of the seminal seventies classic found itself suffering from a severe case of bathos, elevating it to unintentional comedy royalty. Nicholas Cage's "acting" was something akin to a mental patient being possessed by the spirit of an embittered hobo. He spent the majority of his time cosmically punching his co-stars into superior movies. The Quote: "Oh, no! Not the bees! Not the bees! AAAAAHHHHH! Oh, they're in my eyes! My eyes! AAAAHHHHH! AAAAAGGHHH!" I'll admit that this entry is something of a cheat as the movie has always been considered cheesier than an explosion in a Cheetos processing factory. The Bees Scene, however, stuck out like a sore thumb at a Healthy Finger Festival. It's an exceptionally unfortunate piece of filmmaking. One can only imagine what director Neil LaBute was thinking when he took an already iconic ending, and added a swarm of vengeful bees. Was it leave-your-brain-at-home-day?

Ashley Bailey writes critical reviews in the manner of an angry, judgmental 70 year old writing into TV Guide. He is also the former editor a small metal and rock webzine. In his spare time, he is a self confessed Steam addict: so much so, in fact, he is literally willing to write for food, having spent his money on their lovely, lovely sales.