15 Comic Book Movie Deaths That Didn't Last

7. Arnim Zola - Captain America: Winter Soldier

Arnim Zola
Marvel Studios

Cause Of Death: A terminal disease.

Having been "captured" in the original Captain America film, scuppering his hinted plans to turn himself into a robot with his own consciousness (apparently just for fun) the historical timeline of the MCU suggests that Nazi scientist Arnim Zola died of a terminal disease in the 1970s.

It's shocking then when he reappears in the future of The Winter Soldier to unveil the truth about HYDRA's infiltration of SHIELD, and going into the kind of self-confident detail that only a villain who knows for certain that their enemy is about to die. Inevitably, the ploy fails and Zola's computer body ends up being destroyed by his masters' own missiles.

The Science Behind The Revival

Taking his lead from the comic books, Zola transferred his consciousness into a computer when he discovered he was about to die. It's okay though, because evil geniuses are allowed access to technology that we don't get for years as a general rule, so he was probably running on Windows 8 back then.

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