15 Crazy Facts You Have To Accept To Enjoy Star Wars Movies

12. George Lucas' Re-edits Actually Help Continuity

Rey Star Wars

Potentially the most controversial thing on this list - although a strong contender is soon to follow - George Lucas' re-edits of the original trilogy, as well as Episode I, are (mostly) for the better.

It's hard keeping continuity when a story becomes so long, and you don't have to look too far to find a franchise that's made an error in theirs - we know where you messed up, Spider-Man: Homecoming - which is why it's really a valiant thing for George Lucas to go back and make some changes (the Han Solo-Greedo affair not withstanding.)

Highlights of these edits include replacing Clive Revill and Marjorie Eaton with Ian McDiarmid as the Emperor during a hologram sequence in Empire Strikes Back; the edit gave nice continuity with McDiarmid's performance as the Emperor in Return of the Jedi. Likewise, replacing Sebastian Shaw with Hayden Christensen as Anakin's Force Ghost makes a lot of sense in the character's arc, taking the form when the character was at his happiest.

Furthermore, the addition of a galactic celebration scene at the denouement of Return of the Jedi, incorporating prequel planets such as Coruscant and Naboo, accentuates the power of the climax by tying the six-film story together.

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Just a run-in-the-mill English Literature student, fighting the struggle of having non-comic book friends.