15 Crazy Facts You Just Have To Accept To Enjoy Batman Movies
13. People Don't Find A Man Dressed In A Bat Costume To Be Inherently Laughable
Think about it. If you saw a man dressed as a bat, especially in the cheesier suits that Bruce Wayne dons in the '90s Batman movies, your first reaction probably wouldn't be to run away screaming. It would be to laugh. Hysterically.
Either that, or you'd just end up staring at this person with wide-eyed confusion, wondering what kooky party he was on his way to.
The point is that, in the real world, a person dressed up in a superhero costume is only ever a person dressed up in a superhero costume, whereas in the world of the Batman movies, superheroes exist, so a man dressed as a flying mammal isn't inherently laughable. Which means we must suspend our belief massively when civilians, police officers, and thugs all manage to keep a straight face.