15 Depraved Movies That Are Incredibly Difficult To Watch

3. Nekromantik

Nacho Cerdà might have taken the concept of necrophilia to its most bloody and shocking conclusion with Aftermath, but German director Jörg Buttgereit got their first with his hugely controversial movie Nekromantik, released in 1987. When the real life on-screen killing of a rabbit is one of the least disturbing elements from a movie you know you've entered truly disturbing cinematic territory, and sure enough Nekromantik takes the audiences into far darker places than animal cruelty - after all, this is a world in which a man's idea of spicing up his sex life with his girlfriend is to take home a corpse for their mutual pleasure. A surprising amount has been written about the artistic merits of Nekromantik and there's certainly a case for the film acting as a commentary on the hypocrisy of the bourgeoisie. That said, with imagery such as that of a woman attaching a metal rod to the groin of a cadaver it's unlikely to ever be taken as seriously as the social satires of Luis Bunuel any time soon.
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