15 Depraved Movies That Are Incredibly Difficult To Watch

2. Grotesque

While most Western examples of the torture porn genre tend to emphasize the "torture" over the "porn", Kôji Shiraishi's Grotesque is notable for the killer's sexual motivation as he tortures and mutilates an innocent couple in the dark recesses of his basement. David Cook from the British Board of Film Classification spoke about their refusal to pass the film uncut, saying of Grotesque: "the chief pleasure on offer seems to be wallowing in the spectacle of sadism (including sexual sadism) for its own sake". Watching the film and it's very hard to disagree - Shiraishi does little to temper the constant onslaught of disgusting imagery with anything remotely subtle or revealing. Few movies chart the slow and painful torture of the sexual sadist with such grim attention to detail and Grotesque offers little to redeem its consistently unpleasant mood. But if you're after the ultimate in torture porn then this is the film for you.
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