15 Depraved Movies That Are Incredibly Difficult To Watch

1. August Underground's Mordum

With its barrage of incest, rape, torture, murder and necrophilia with children, August Undergrond's Mordum wins the ignominious prize of the most sexually depraved movie of all time hands down. Filmed in the "style" of a home video, Mordum follows a group of serial killers as they go on a killing and torturing spree around their home town, inflicting as much pain and suffering on their victims as is humanly possible. This is filmmaking at its most deliberately confrontational and abhorrent, as artless and crass as anything you're likely to see. Not surprisingly, August Underground's Mordum has had a deservedly rough ride with the authorities on account of its relentlessly repellent content, and the filmmakers were even detained on their way to a Canadian film festival on suspicion of having created a genuine snuff movie. No doubt this was exactly the kind of controversy they were looking for, and should be enough to tell you to steer clear unless you're a true fan of hardcore horror. What other sexually depraved movies have you seen? Why not tell us about them in the comments?
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