15 Depraved Movies That Are Incredibly Difficult To Watch

10. Salo, Or 120 Days Of Sodom

It's impossible to write an article about sexual depravity in movies without casting a reluctant eye over Pier Paulo Pasolini's shocking commentary on fascism, Salo, Or 120 Days Of Sodom. Few films have retained the power to shock following the passage of decades as this grim and disturbing masterpiece. Of course, accepting Salo as something of a masterpiece requires a certain amount of distancing from the subject matter at hand - Pasolini's vision of an ultra-decadent elite who get off on the brutalisation of their victims, forcing them to eat faeces, raping and torturing them before killing them in a spectacularly grissly manner takes a strong stomach to sit through. It's perhaps hardly surprising that the film wasn't granted a release in the UK until 2000 - less surprising is that it is one of Michael Haneke's favourite movies. Few contemporary filmmakers carry the torch of challenging and confrontational cinema lit by Pasolini back in 1975.
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