15 Films We’re Amazed That Hollywood Hasn’t Remade Already

4. Lethal Weapon

With a re-make of Mad Max due out in 2014 starring Tom Hardy, and really only a handful of buddy cop films around, Lethal Weapon is ripe for being rebooted with a new cast. Sure, Hollywood doesn't need to do it. You can have two cops with different names with a new cast and we probably wouldn't all recognise it as Lethal Weapon, but why would the industry do that, when they can get free publicity by it being a remake instead? Also they have to figure that people liked the old Lethal Weapon films, and so they'll like the new one too. Heck, it worked for 21 Jump Street and that had very little to do with the original series other than the extremely basis premise. Of course the extremely basic premise of Lethal Weapon is a buddy cop film with comedy elements... which makes it all the more surprising we haven't seen a remake yet. Sure there must have been a while where the expectation was that there would be another sequel with Mel Gibson and Danny Glover, but I think we can all say that the ship has sailed now. There was a time that they could have done it, but nothing was made. Rebooting Lethal Weapon would be an exceptionally simple idea, in fact it's almost Bad Boys but with Will Smith as a white guy. So perhaps we have already seen it after all. Probability: Shocked we haven't already heard about it.

I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.