15 Films We’re Amazed That Hollywood Hasn’t Remade Already

8. Wing Commander

You probably think I've lost my mind. I'm suggesting that Hollywood is mistaken in not remaking a film released in 1999, based on a game series that ended in 1997... and not only that, but the film was made for $30 million... and promptly lost nearly $20 million at the box office. So why on earth do I think that Hollywood is crazy for not remaking this? Two words. Star Wars. Two more words... Battlestar Galactica. From my memories of playing the computer games of Wing Commander, it came across very similar to Galactica. So in remaking the film, if they lean more towards the area that the rebooted Galactica covered then they would get a lot more viewers. The old film used terrible looking aliens, silly space plot lines and frankly dumb physics (why does a fighter in space need a runway?). It would need to be a film studio who was willing to link together with a games studio in order to get the most out of this. Because if suddenly Rockstar turned around and made a killer Wing Commander game, then the film would make money. Quite a bit of money. Actually... Probability: Now I think about it, I'm pretty sure I just want Rockstar to make me a new game. But failing that, it would take some cooperation between studios but it could be a very profitable franchise.

I'm a pop culture addict. Television, cinema, comics, games - you name it, and I've done it. Or at least read the plot synopsis on Wikipedia.