15 Films That Hated London

8. Gorgo

GorgoThe Synopsis - Giant monster movies are traditionally associated with the Japanese film industry, with Godzilla being the most well-known star of such creations. In 1961, however, a French director named Eugene Lourie opted to make a British foray into the genre, with the result being Gorgo. A volcanic eruption off the coast of Ireland (geography be damned) awakens a dangerous being named Gorgo, which wreaks havoc before being captured and exhibited in London. This results in his much-larger mother, Ogra, going a mission to rescue her son in the most destructive fashion possible. The film was later featured on an episode of Mystery Science Theatre 9000. The Destruction - As is the case with almost every giant monster films, the objective of Gorgo's creators was apparently the destruction of as many recognisable landmarks as possible. As a result, the likes of Big Ben, London Bridge and Piccadilly Circus are all flattened for the sake of shock value.

Alex was about to write a short biography, but he got distracted by something shiny instead.