15 Fixes To Save The DC Extended Universe

10. Listen To Fans, But Don't "Marvel-ise" The DCEU

Batman Ben Affleck R
Warner Bros.

While Warner Bros. would be stupid not to listen to fans' most vocal complaints about their movies so far, there's also a balance in so far as not deigning to every fanboy whim merely because they're scared of losing their audience.

As much as more humour and a less-dour tone would probably make the movies more financially successful and critically acclaimed, it's important that Warner don't just "Marvel-ise" their universe in a desperate, cynical attempt to make more money.

Yes, Marvel Studios are doing so much right, but to simply follow their lead would be a huge mistake. Sure, add more humour and "fun" to the DCEU, but don't just copy the MCU formula to the beat, or the already template-driven nature of comic book movies will feel even more cookie-cutter.

The fact that Warner originally rubbished the idea of having mid-and-post-credits scenes but are already making use of them three movies in perhaps suggests that they are going to borrow a few pages from Marvel's book, but hopefully this won't lead to an overly quip-heavy Justice League or anything like that.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.