15 Great Movies From The 2010s That Are Frustratingly Underrated

12. Searching

Suspiria 2018
Sony Pictures

Plot: A father searches for his missing daughter; this thriller is told entirely through the use of computer screens and phones.

Searching is an exceptional thriller and one of the very best of recent years, despite it looking fairly gimmicky from the marketing. A beautifully-done and highly emotional opening montage, which shows the protagonist losing his wife, immediately lets the viewer know they're in for something special.

Searching is what all thrillers should be like. It's murderously, unbearably suspenseful and has a highly twisty plot, yet every twist feels believable and earned and everything comes together neatly at the end, so it's a masterclass in thriller plotting. That being said, what takes Searching to the next level is how moving it is.

As well as being thrilling, Searching is filled with pathos, character development and emotion to the point where it's often tear-jerking. As David (an excellent John Cho) searches for his daughter, audiences will be invested every step of the way and as such the film becomes even more stressful to watch.

While well-reviewed and a box office hit, Searching still feels like an under-seen film and since it's one of the decade's best thrillers, that needs to change.

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Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.