Just like Schwarzenegger, I could only pick one Statham movie for this list and this might be his most over-the-top. Its like Speed again, but this time Jason Statham is the bus. That's almost all that needs to be said. Yes, Crank 2: High Voltage takes everything to another level but the first one set the original bar and deserves the attention. All of these movies depend on the lead of the movie committing to the crazy premises. At this point in his career, Jason Statham has plenty of experience at that in insane movies. This movie doesnt even try to be serious or grounded in reality. At one point, Statham has himself blasted with heart padels so hard it fllings him across a room, only to be back on his feet in the next scene. It was made in 2006, but feels like the type of action movie they made in the 80s. Statham is one of the few actors of today that can still pull off the larger than life hero even in our modern world. Amy Smart and Dwight Yoakam are also great in their supporting roles. Smart, particularly, has some challenging scenes that she pulls off well. The sex scene between her and Statham in Chinatown almost feels believable. Its appropriately under 90 minutes and none of it is to be missed. Best line: "Hey doll, looks like I let you down again. It's like all my life I've just been going, going, going. Wish I'd taken more time to stop and smell the roses so to speak. Guess it's too late for that now. You're the greatest, baby." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rvYrVTnSWw