15 Greatest Opening Credit Sequences In Movies

12. Alien

The Alien title card is as minimalistic and atmospheric as it gets. Sporting some creepy and quiet music from Jerry Goldsmith, the whole thing shows the audience the names of the cast and crew as the word "ALIEN" forms at the top of the screen, slowly, line by line and letter by letter.

The film itself of course needs no introduction, but the Alien title sequence deserves a touch more praise. Most people look to John Hurt's shocking demise as the defining part of the movie; others are partial to the character of Ellen Ripley or the vast visuals of space. But it is the opening credits that set up the tone of the movie, and with simple, effective ease.

As the title fully forms at the top of the screen, the camera pans slowly to show you nothing but the dark vacuum of space, endless and daunting, cementing the fear and horror that will follow. After all, in space, no one can hear you scream...


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.