15 Greatest Opening Credit Sequences In Movies

7. Dawn Of The Dead (2004)

When it comes to great opening credit sequences, the zombie genre has a lot to offer. The 2004 Dawn of the Dead remake - directed by Zack Snyder - is about as good as the genre gets. The film itself is also very strong, sporting a solid cast and some deeply effective horror visuals, but it is the credits you're likely to remember long after the film is done.

The sequence presents itself as a montage: you see zombies growling; soldiers trying to fight back; doctors explaining they don't know what to do; news reports about the outbreaks; gory violence; fires; and widespread rioting.

Playing above all of these sudden and violent visuals is Johnny Cash's amazing "When the Man Comes Around", a catchy song that is easy to listen to but with lyrics that take on a much darker meaning thanks to what's playing on screen. It's a typical zombie/apocalypse opening, really, only turned up to 11 in hopes of making you very uncomfortable with what's unfolding, and what's still to come.


Aidan Whatman hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.