15 Greatest Spider-Man Movie Moments

12. Turn Around, Stan! - The Amazing Spider-Man (2012)

A Stan Lee cameo in a Marvel film has become as customary as Alfred Hitchcock's famed walk-ons in his own movies. Ol' Stan's been a security guard to Bruce Banner's lab, the Fantastic Four's postman, even a World War 2 general in Captain America. However, the funniest of all Stan Lee's cameos is surely his appearance in The Amazing Spider-Man as an oblivious high school librarian who, due to his wearing headphones, completely misses the destructive fight between Spidey and the Lizard going on behind him. Although The Amazing Spider-Man was plugged as the Batman Begins-type reboot for the webhead, this scene proves that the film aimed for more than just to rehash both the earlier Spider-Man films and Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight trilogy as it possesses its own sense of fun alongside the teenage superhero shenanigans. It may only last all of twenty seconds but its a wonderful interlude in a tense fight scene between Spidey and Lizzie. In the words of Spider-Man creator Stan Lee himself, 'nuff said.

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