15 Greatest Star Wars Fan Films Of All Time
11. Dark Jedi

What is so impressive about these fan films is that they can create emotionally deep and complex main characters all within the space of a few minutes. Dark Jedi is no different, and impressively brings intense emotion with its use of choreography and dialogue over the course of just 5 minutes.
Written, directed, choreographed, shot, edited and VFX-ed by Lorenz Hideyoshi Ruwwe, Dark Jedi beautifully shows the fine line that the Jedi walk between the temptations of the dark side and the light side of the force.
Set in 6906 BBY (Before Baby Yoda?), Dark Jedi does so much in just five minutes: it shows a deep emotional connection between the two main characters, it showcases incredible combat choreography but the most impressive thing about it is the attention to the smallest details. For example, the leaves on the ground burn and singe when they come in contact with a lightsaber, the hand to hand combat is something from a Jackie Chan movie and the way the lightsaber changes colour at the end is a unique take on the connection between a Jedi and their weapon.