15 Harry Potter Characters Who Deserve Their Own Movie

6. 'Mad-Eye' Moody

Severus Snape Goblet Of Fire
Warner Bros.

For the majority of Alastor Moody's screen time throughout the Harry Potter saga, with most of it coming in Goblet of Fire, he wasn't actually Moody. Instead, we were watching Barty Crouch Jr. impersonate 'Mad-Eye', so we really haven't seen all that much of the former auror.

Of course, he was a strong presence in the Order of the Phoenix, and in Deathly Hallows Part I took the lead in the Battle of the Seven Potters, but it was this conflict in the sky that saw him meet his end. Much like the man who posed as him for so long, it's Moody's past that deserves to be highlighted.

Widely regarded as one of the greatest aurors of all time, Moody's greatest years and achievements came as he rounded up the remaining Death Eaters after the first wizarding war, sending many to Azkaban. This would make for an incredible story, and we'd get to see how he lost not only his eye, but his leg as well.

One of the biggest questions that needs answering however, is regarding the prosthetic eye for which Moody has his nickname. Where did it come from, and how could it possibly see through Harry's invisibility cloak, one of the Deathly Hallows itself? This is certainly some powerful magic that needs exploring.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.