15 Horror Movies That Actually Need Remakes

2. Resident Evil (2002)

The Original: Few will argue with the fact that the first Resident Evil movie is easily the best of the bunch, though that's not exactly saying much. Paul W.S. Anderson's adaptation of the beloved video game series doesn't care one iota about faithfulness to the source material, yet it still manages to wring some B-movie thrills from the memorable action sequences (namely the laser grid scene) and kick-a** characters. It's cheesy as hell, but a functionally entertaining actioner. Why It Needs A Remake: Because it's not at all scary and doesn't even try to be. It's an action film with zombies, which ironically enough is the exact same criticism leveled against the later Resident Evil games. This movie needs a remake that actually cares about adapting the original mansion scenario, because if you curb the terrible voice-acting and cheesy dialogue, there's some damn-fine terror to be found within. How Likely Is It?: 7/10. The Resident Evil movie series reportedly ties up next year with Resident Evil: The "Final" Chapter, but given how financially successful the franchise has been to date, this likely won't be the end. What better to do than reboot it by remaking the first film but as being actually faithful to the game? A remake is destined to happen, and it couldn't really be any less faithful than the first movie...

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.