15 Horror Movies That Actually Need Remakes

14. Christine (1983)

The Original: An adaptation of Stephen King's novel, revolving around a nerdy teenager (Keith Gordon) who develops a keen sense of self-confidence alongside an obsession for his new car, a red-and-white 1958 Plymouth Fury nicknamed Christine. The car, however, has a jealous streak, and murderous intentions of its own. Why It Needs A Remake: Christine isn't typically regarded as one of King's better novels, and though John Carpenter makes a solid effort wringing as much entertainment value out of it as possible, it's still a largely goofy and often unintentionally amusing affair. Though a gritty tone is very much in vogue these days, there's definitely room for Christine to receive a modern update: the 1950s style could be easily updated to something more contemporary (perhaps the 80s?), and if it takes itself a little more seriously, it might actually end up with some genuine scares, the lack of which is the original's major flaw. How Likely Is It?:4/10. It's just tough to imagine a studio believing that they can take a concept this potentially silly and transform it into something that really works as a genuine thriller. Sure, the original movie more-than doubled its budget at the box office and there's a whole generation of kids who've never heard of Christine, but would many filmmakers want to bank on what worked three decades ago succeeding in the far more cynical present?

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.