15 Kids Movie Moments That Felt More Like Horror Films

5. Charlie Goes To Hell - All Dogs Go To Heaven (1989)

Taking place in New Orleans during the year 1939, All Dogs Go To Heaven possesses a wide-variety of disturbing subject matter concealed under the colourful veneer of a child€™s film. Talking animals, beautiful animation and playful musical numbers distracted many a juvenile from understanding the mature thematic elements that were truly at play. Oh, and there€™s a scene that shows what doggie hell looks like. Yep: despite the fact that the movie is called All Dogs Go To Heaven, that€™s apparently not true, as witnessed by one of the most downright insane sequences ever drawn by human hands. It€™s a dream sequence, sure, but it€™s still quite disturbing. In the scene, our main hero, Charlie, finds himself below ground in a surprisingly detailed vision of Hell - complete with a lake of fire, a boat made of bones and an army of cackling demons. Thankfully for him, Charlie only dreams this the once. Though, for legions of impressionable viewers, they€™d be paying a little visit to Hell for the next few nights at least. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWUNnHt2N-E
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Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at JarvisCity.com - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: JesseGumbarge@JarvisCity.com