15 Likely Movie Sequels That Hopefully Will Never Happen

11. Rush Hour 4

Previous Movies: 1998's Rush Hour was a significant commercial success off the back of the hilarious pairing of Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker, and earned solid reviews across the board. Rush Hour 2 came three years later, and though pretty much more of the same, was an agreeable enough sequel that raked in the series' high $347 million. Rush Hour 3 belatedly arrived in 2007, and despite the weird casting of the likes of Roman Polanski and Max von Sydow in small roles, it just felt like too little, too late. The premise just felt too lazily recycled by this point, and though it still made a profit, it grossed almost $100 million less than the previous film, while earning a plethora of negative reviews. The Sequel: Talk of Rush Hour 4 has been frequent ever since the third film released, with Brett Ratner strangely suggesting that motion capture technology might be used (but...why?). Ratner, Chan and Tucker are all happy to make the movie, but it just depends on the script: over the summer, Chan said, "I don€™t want to do a rubbish script just because they want to make the movie." Why It Should Never Happen: These three guys have essentially made the same film three times, and there's little to suggest that a fourth film would be any different. Plus, Chris Tucker's whiny shtick is getting a little tired by now, and Jackie Chan would likely be 61 or 62 years old by the time filming began. Brilliant though he is for his age, there's still only so much he can do.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.