15 Likely Movie Sequels That Hopefully Will Never Happen

10. American Pie 5

Previous Movies: 1999's American Pie was a huge commercial hit, making $235 million against just $11 million, leading to a needless yet surprisingly entertaining second movie in 2001, which posted the series-high gross of $287 million. American Wedding followed in 2003, marking a slightly more mature turn for the series as the characters began to settle down, but hey, it still had Stifler (Sean William Scott) eating a hunk of dog crap and shagging Jim's grandma. It just narrowly grossed the lowest box office of the series ($231 million), putting the gang's escapades on the back-burner for a while. American Reunion came out a whole 9 years later, and skated on its nostalgic appeal to score $234 million despite earning the most mixed reviews of the series. The Sequel: American Reunion literally ends with the gang promising to meet up for a reunion once a year, an obvious lead-in to a future sequel, even though the movie's tagline declared, "Save the best piece for last", implying a certain finality to this belated fourth film. In early 2013, it was announced that Universal had already acquired a production deal for the fifth film and that it was likely going to happen in the future, as long as a decent enough story could be cracked. Why It Should Never Happen: Is there really anything else to say? The guys are all grown up, they've had their reunion, and fans can be comfortable in the fact that they're all going to keep in touch with each other. Jim has a family now, so what else is there? Sad as it is to say, it would probably make more sense to do a remake or reboot with the same teen sex premise, but starring a new batch of kids, perhaps even with Jim's son as the new protagonist, while Jim becomes the new "Jim's dad". Still, the series has had its fill, and due to the latest generation having not grown up with these movies now, a fifth film would probably post the lowest box office of the series.
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.