15 Most Anticipated Villains In Upcoming Comic Book Movies

7. Malekith The Accursed (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

Thor-Dark-World-38 The casting of Christopher Eccleston as Malekith the Accursed in the soon to be released Thor sequel was a stroke of genius and we all can't wait to see it. Malekith is an immensely powerful Dark Elf from the realm of Svartalfheim and, in the upcoming movie, he intends to plunge the entire universe in to darkness and it is down to Thor and his allies to put a stop to it. He possesses superhuman physical attributes, such as strength and durability, but is doubly dangerous due to his ability to wield dark magic and his ability to mastermind highly threatening schemes and manipulate other powerful beings in to doing his bidding for him. If he comes in to direct physical conflict with Thor, it will make for one hell of a fight, but his scheming is the thing that the heroic characters should be most wary of.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.