15 Most Anticipated Villains In Upcoming Comic Book Movies

12. Ronan The Accuser (Marvel Cinematic Universe)

Ronan The Accuser Ronan the Accuser, due to be played by Lee Pace, joins a plethora of villains in the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy movie. In the comics, the character isn't an outright bad guy, but he will be Thanos' admiral in this big screen adventure. He's a very cool character who possesses superhuman physical attributes and wears a power-enhancing cybernetic armour. He wields the Universal Weapon - a hammer-like device which uses cosmic energy for a variety of effects powered by the wielder's will, including the disintegration, rearrangement, and transmutation of matter, the projection of concussive energy blasts, the absorption of energy, control over gravity, the creation of force fields and 'time-motion displacement fields' and interstellar teleportation along hyperspatial passages. He is also a skilled hand to hand combatant and a competent strategist.
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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.