15 Most Awesome 2014 Movie Death Scenes

2. Amy Murders Desi - Gone Girl

Who Dies?: Amy's (Rosamund Pike) ex-boyfriend Desi Collings (Neil Patrick Harris). Method of Death: Throat slashed with a box cutter (by Amy). Why It's Awesome: Trust David Fincher to come up with one of the most shockingly violent and weirdly sexy death scenes in recent memory. It also cements just how insane and conniving Amy really is, as she convinces Desi that her husband Nick (Ben Affleck) is abusive, all while setting the stage for Desi to be framed for kidnapping and abusing her. She plays nice with Desi one night and agrees to finally have sex with him, but once Desi is on top of her, Amy pulls out a hidden box cutter and slashes his throat, causing the blood to spray all over both of them. Amy flips him over and straddles him as he bleeds out in the grotesque manner that only Fincher knows. In a film full of shocking reveals, this is arguably the most disturbing moment of all, all the more so because it's to rare to see Neil Patrick Harris meeting an end like this on screen.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.