15 Most Awesome 2014 Movie Death Scenes

13. Death By Bath Salts - The ABCs Of Death 2

Who Dies?: Some fat dude. Method of Death: Bullet to the head (by a cop). Why It's Awesome: Because, at the beginning of this short film from the riotously entertaining horror short anthology, it seems pretty clear that this guy, overweight and wearing only his boxer shorts, is the victim of a zombie infection of some kind. The short, filmed almost entirely in super slow-motion, shows the guy terrorising everyone on a street, before he tackles a man to the ground and begins feasting on his neck flesh. A cop arrives on the scene and fires a bullet into his head, killing him as the speed reverts to normal and his victim screams in agony. The scene then shifts to 34 minutes earlier, as the "zombie", now a fully-dressed, regular-sounding human tells his buddy, "F*** yeah, I'll do some bath salts" as they clink beer bottles. A hilarious twist on the zombie short, and check it out here for yourself.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.