Who Dies?: Dr. Mann (Matt Damon), the scientist on the planet named after himself, who lures the crew of the Endurance there in order to save his own hide. Method of Death: Explosively decompressed (by his own idiocy). Why It's Awesome: There are two reasons why this death scene is so awesome. Firstly, it comes out of nowhere mid-conversation as Mann attempts to strand the Endurance crew on the planet but improperly docks his Ranger in the Enurance. The airlock decompressurisation is accompanied by an explosion that was pretty damn close to defeaning if viewed in IMAX. Then there's the fact that the entire Dr. Mann sequence in Interstellar is arguably the movie's weakest element, a totally unnecessary aside that simply pads out the run-time and adds additional conflict that frankly isn't needed at all. Seeing this come to a close with one explosive, violent end for the superfluous character was hugely cathartic and satisfying.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.