15 Most Disappointing Movies Of The 2020s (So Far)

12. Train To Busan: Peninsula

Thor: Love and Thunder
Next Entertainment World

Who says Hollywood has the monopoly on disappointing sequels?

This South Korean horror flick is the follow-up to 2016's stunning Train to Busan, one of the greatest horror movies this century. Considering the generally high standards of South Korean cinema and the return of the first film's director, there wasn't any particular reason not to expect another successful zombie thrill ride.

Unfortunately, things didn't quite turn out like that.

Not only is this sequel dragged down by a bland script and howlingly awful CGI but, in stark contrast to the fantastically inventive original movie, this is an entirely generic affair that's like every other zombie movie you've ever seen.

It's such a shame, for we all wanted this to be so much better - especially since it was one of the only anticipated sequels that actually got released in 2020 as planned.

Sometimes, it really is better just to leave a great movie as a stand-alone.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.