15 Most Disappointing Movies Of The 2020s (So Far)

11. Black Widow

Thor: Love and Thunder

Once upon a time, the Marvel Cinematic Universe was a very, very reliable franchise. Some films were better than others, but the series consistently delivered largely well-executed blockbusters and rarely dipped below the three-star level.

But that was then. This is now.

The MCU's Phase 4 has been, for the most part, a pretty miserable experience and most of the recent films have been let-downs; Black Widow, the franchise's return to big screens after a nearly two-year absence thanks to the pandemic, was the start of this.

Fans had waited a very long time for a Black Widow solo movie - and that wait was extended thanks to Covid - but in the end, nothing about this was worth waiting for. First off, this sort-of prequel came out far, far too late considering that the character was killed off two years ago and secondly, the whole thing is just so goddamn mediocre.

As you'd expect from Marvel, it's well-made and well-performed but the whole thing is so emotionless, so pointless and so devoid of heart or excitement that it's pretty draining to watch. And the fact that this was a sign of things to come makes it that much worse in retrospect.


Film Studies graduate, aspiring screenwriter and all-around nerd who, despite being a pretentious cinephile who loves art-house movies, also loves modern blockbusters and would rather watch superhero movies than classic Hollywood films. Once met Tommy Wiseau.