15 Most Hotly Anticipated Movie Scenes Coming In 2015

7. The Assault On Skynet - Terminator: Genisys

From the extended trailer that also confirmed that Genisys will take a lead from X-Men Days Of Future Past in terms of its alternate timelines, it was strongly suggested that the newest addition to the Terminator franchise will open with the resistance's last stand as they look to end the war with one final assault. That means the delightful promise of all out war between man and machine, which was all too absent from the original Terminator franchise. The trailer also teased the image above: presumably featuring an advanced security measure by the machines and while it's obvious that John Connor's forces overcome seemingly insurmountable odds to emerge victorious, how they get there promises to be a spectacular set piece. And even more importantly it will establish an early high point for the film (which it needs to keep up, judging by the cynicism that's met it so far).
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