15 Most Hotly Anticipated Movie Scenes Coming In 2015

6. Iron Man Vs Hulk - Avengers: Age Of Ultron

Quite how Marvel are going to balance all of the elements in play in the Avengers sequel is anyone's guess at this point: it's going to be a challenge to say the least, but you have to suspect that if there's a force capable of managing it it's Kevin Fiege's team. In the ensemble sequel the opportunity for spectacle and fan-baiting set-pieces is enormous: the film will likely open with an assault on Von Strucker's castle stronghold, there's an attack on Sokovia, Ultron's appearance, his rise and upgrade and the set-piece that sees him face off against Vision. And even aside from the story-lines more closely linked to James Spader's villain, there is the tantalising prospect of the Avengers unravelling to such a degree that Iron Man and Hulk turn against one another. Quite how it happens is unclear as yet - and therein lies some of the appeal: could Scarlet Witch make Hulk snap? Could her visions trigger something snapping in Stark, leading into his dramatic superhero registration agenda? It's probably a case of both, but the climactic battle between the two Avengers is going to be a hell of a ride.
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