15 Most Hotly Anticipated Movie Scenes Coming In 2015

4. The Reveal Of Blofeld - SPECTRE

Can anyone really take Christoph Waltz's claims that he's definitely not playing Blofeld seriously? In light of the John Harrison debacle in Star Trek: Into Darkness and JJ Abrams stoic resistance to any rumours that Benedict Cumberbatch was playing the villain that EVERYONE knew he was, accepting what directors say in such apparently obvious circumstances is folly. Intriguingly, Waltz says his real character is actually far more intriguing than that, and you probably wouldn't put it past Sam Mendes to be smarter, but at the same time it's a little disappointing to imagine any version of SPECTRE that doesn't involve the iconic bald villain. Perhaps Waltz will be his mentor? Perhaps Dave Bautista is the real Blofeld in an almighty Iron Man 3/Mandarin sort of ruse? Let's bloody well hope not. No, regardless of the counter-claims, it's still impossible to resist the idea that he's Blofeld, and seeing it confirmed will be a moment for the fans.
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