15 Most Hotly Anticipated Movie Scenes Coming In 2015

12. The Quake Hits - San Andreas

There's a reason disaster movies sell tickets and it's the same reason "trigger event" movies like Final Destination and Scream sell, and to a lesser extent why the monster movie franchise endures; they all come with the assurance of a spectacle in a market that is now less focused on such vulgarity. In that respect it will be no surprise when Brad Peyton's San Andreas makes money on its extravagant $100m budget: it doesn't really matter that it's a brainless blockbuster starring a WWE star, or that it's probably going to emulate Roland Emmerich a little too closely, it will still be a box office draw. It doesn't even matter all that much that it's been rewritten twice since it was optioned in 2012, or that it's upselling the 3D format, because like Independence Day boiling down to the iconic sequence of the aliens attacking, if they nail the earthquake itself, it's going to score a fairly unlikely success.
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