15 Most Hotly Anticipated Movie Scenes Coming In 2015

11. The First Sex Scene - Fifty Shades Of Grey

Fifty Shades Of Grey could go one of two ways: it could either be Nymphomaniac meets Twilight or it could be Showgirls meets Twilight. Either way, it's not going to be the exciting raunch-fest that anyone who is going to see it expecting anything like the book is probably hoping for. The fact of the matter is that the original book series, which sold an obscene amount of copies was diabolically bad. Not only did it make questionable behaviour acceptable, it also normalised some of the worst, most amateurish erotica as if it was the pinnacle of the genre. Like somebody watching Season Of The Witch and thinking that it's somehow the best Nic Cage film ever, without knowing that anything else exists. The film's appeal boils down to how the sex is portrayed: if it's stark and "real" like Lars Von Trier's sexual opus, it will lack any enjoyment, and if its cartoonish like Showgirls, it will be comical and awkward. Any other approach and you run the risk of sanitising the book too much and alienating the only audience who will even see it: that's a fairly big responsibility.
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