15 Most Hotly Anticipated Movie Scenes Coming In 2015

10."It's Alive...!" - Victor Frankenstein

Inevitably, because it's an origin story of sorts (not just of the monster but of the man behind it), Victor Frankenstein leads up to a single known point in time, and while the whole idea of shifting perspective to Igor fundamentally changes the way the story is made up, that's unavoidable. The journey is a big selling point for Paul McGuigan's new take on the Shelley story, but that moment when everything that Igor has seen, and everything that Victor has become will still be the moment when the goosebumps start to rise. And instead of that being the start of the monster's story, it will mark the end of Victor's as a moral man and potentially his relationship with Igor, which will have been defined for so long by the pursuit of his eureka moment. It might be a tough ask for a director more well-versed in the smaller spectacle of TV, but therein lies the charm of the challenge.
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