15 Most Hotly Anticipated Movie Scenes Coming In 2015

9. The Origin Sequence - The Fantastic Four

Despite the fervour that greets most comic book movie announcements, there has been relatively muted reaction to the Fantastic Four reboot. Whether that's genuinely because it's a less exciting prospect than anything put out by Marvel or DC is a point of contention: it's probably a lot more to do with the mind-bogglingly bad creative decisions behind The Rise Of The Silver Surfer, which can reasonably claim to be one of the worst comic book movies ever. But despite that ominous shadow cast by the sins of the past, the Fantastic Four has gone about its business quietly and impressively, assembling a very talented cast with genuine Oscar credentials and not over-hyping itself. Though Marvel have the muscle behind them to show off, their approach to marketing Ant-Man and the Avengers looks positively obscene compared to the silence that's greeted the Fantastic Four. Hopefully that's a good sign. But with origin stories hitting an already over-saturated market, it's key that this new take on the story handles the super moment very well; the film is, after all, as much about how they became Fantastic as it is about how they take down Doom for the first time.
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