15 Most Overrated Movies Of The Decade (So Far)

8. Pacific Rim

pacific rim
Warner Bros.

Pacific Rim is a longer-than-average movie featuring CGI things hitting other CGI things, inter-cut with a bland A-story, underdone B-story, broad (if unintended) racial stereotypes, cartoonish intelligents, sore-thumbed development scenes and so much unadulterated destruction that even Superman is shocked. To put it in basic terms, Pacific Rim is your standard mid-range blockbuster. But it was also an original property directed by Guillermo Del Toro, so must be treated as awesome.

Now, there is actually a lot of awesome in Pacific Rim, with cool creature/mech designs and a nice international bent standing out. Sadly that's all dressed up in the same old formula that's been running through the monster genre for decades. The end product is something at times fun and inventive that never movies into anything either more exhilarating or deep. That's not a problem - people are still more than happy to watch the likes of Independence Day twenty years on - but it doesn't make a film all that special.

People want a movie like this to be better than the competition, but for all his creative flair, del Toro doesn't really do much with his idea. Perhaps the sequel, due in 2017, will finally deliver on the promise.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.