15 Most Paused Sci-Fi Movie Moments

1. Cabin In The Woods - The Whiteboard

Troy Pac Man Disney

When The Cabin in the Woods was released in 2011, it was met with overwhelmingly positive feedback by fans and critics alike, lauding it as a fresh take on the slasher/horror genre with more than a little tongue-in-cheek fun poked at the typical tropes that we've come to expect.

The general premise is simple: a group of teens fitting the traditional horror movie archetypes spend the weekend at a cabin in the woods, and while there, they choose the means of their own deaths.

After their choice is made, monsters are released which hunt the teens, fulfilling an age-old sacrifice to appease the Ancient Ones and protecting the rest of the world from absolute destruction.

Early on in the movie, we see that the staff running the facility in which the monsters are kept run a pool on which monsters will be chosen, the details of which are all written on a large whiteboard.

Naturally, the audience wanted a better look at the information on display, and we all paused to catch a glimpse of some of the beasties we could expect to see as events continued to unfold.

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