15 Most Powerful Characters In X-Men Movies

12. Kitty Pryde

Given that she's a young girl, it's easy to overlook the incredible power of Kitty Pryde AKA Shadowcat, but the fact is she's definitely worthy of a place on this list. She has appeared in four movies and has been played by Sumela Kay, Katie Stuart and, most prominently, by Ellen Page. She possesses the power of intangibility and the ability to project a person's consciousness back in time. Intangibility is an underrated and very dangerous power. Pryde has used it to do things like phase through walls and drag opponents into solid objects. She was also key to the events of X-Men: Days of Future Past, when she used her time-based power to send Wolverine from 2023 back to 1973 (fifty years) to prevent Mystique from killing Bolivar Trask.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.