15 Most Rewatchable Movies Of All Time

10. Toy Story

Ghostbusters Publicity Still

When the first feature-length Pixar movie arrived in 1995, it drew attention primarily because it was the very first 100% computer-animated movie. However, it remains seared into the popular consciousness to this day as a tour de force of storytelling, a comedy masterpiece, and proof positive that films can be kid-friendly without talking down to the audience.

John Lasseter's film plays on a simple idea that occurs to most kids at one time or another: what if my toys come to life when I'm not around? It then proceeds to explore that concept with sophisticated and mature humour, packing in all manner of clever jokes for the grown-ups, and surprising overtones of existential angst via Buzz Lightyear's uneasy journey to accepting that he is not a real space ranger.

And yet, it doesn't alienate the kids in the process.

The two sequels delve further into the briefness of childhood to even more poignant, indeed devastating effect; yet it's the original that remains the pinnacle, and set the tone for all the greats (and the not-so greats) that Pixar has given us since.

Endlessly repeatable quote: "To infinity - and beyond!" And/or "YOU! ARE! A! TOY!"

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