15 Most Rewatchable Movies Of All Time

9. Die Hard

Ghostbusters Publicity Still
20th Century Fox

Straight-up, balls-to-the-wall action movies are perfect for repeat viewing. Yet while there's plenty to be said for one of Schwarzenegger or Stallone's madcap guns-and-ammo extravaganzas, they're easily beaten in every capacity - including rewatchability - by Die Hard.

It's another famous first in many respects; in 1988, Bruce Willis was best known for TV comedy Moonlighting, and had never taken an action role before. Less muscular, and more down to earth and witty than his peers in the genre, Willis' NYPD cop John McClane offered up a radical reinterpretation of the action hero, which proved popular and influential.

Nor was this the only way John McTiernan's film was influential. Its single day, single location siege set-up quickly became one of the most aped formulas for action movies in years to come, from the sublime (Speed: Die Hard on a bus) to the ridiculous (Chill Factor: Die Hard in an ice cream truck).

The fact that it's also set on Christmas Eve has made it a perennial Yuletide favourite - but any time is a great time for Die Hard. (Or sometimes maybe the second and third one. But never the fourth or the fifth.)

Endlessly repeatable quote: "Yippee-ki-yay, motherf***er!"

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