15 Most Underrated Sci-Fi Movies Of All Time

7. Pitch Black

Equilibrium Movie
Universal Pictures

Pitch Black is a film who's quality has been sadly diluted by its own moderate success, and as such, its various terrible sequels and spin-offs (with the exception of Escape from Butcher Bay, great game). A shame because Pitch Black itself as an original and stand alone film is great.

A convincing and well-established world with a set of engaging and interesting characters, Pitch Black is an action-driven sci-fi film that starts its life as a very good horror effort. Vin Diesel oozes cool as night vision wielding anti-hero Riddick and goes through a thorough arc from beginning to end. The secondary characters are also well established and believable for the most part to support Diesel's star turn.

Tension is rampant throughout the first act as we uncomfortably fumble our way through the darkness with our various 'heroes'. And although the film suffers a little from breaking the 'don't show your monsters' rule of great horror and thrillers, it maintains an engaging narrative nonetheless. If you ignore everything that came from it, Pitch Black deserves a lot more credit as a great piece of sci-fi.

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