15 Movie Poster Trends That Really Need To Die

12. A Single Eye

Eye Posters
Warner Bros.

There's something alluring about the human eyes; staring into the peepers of a loved one can be one of the most intimate things a person can do, but they can also be the most frightening part of someone.

It's probably why movie marketers have for what feels like years and years, used them as a strong promotional tool in their endeavours to promote a film. Now to be fair, graphic designers have gotten creative with what they've done with the extreme close-up picture of an eye.

They've gone as far as to make them appear to be on fire, turned the iris into a completely different image, hidden Easter Eggs within the pupils, I could go on. And for a number of movies this is par for the course of being captivating.

But with every Candyman, The Visitation or even the 1990's Godzilla, there's Requiem For A Dream, Unforgettable or Deep Rising that does so little with what they're using it's any wonder the marketing team insisted on doing it anyway.

Parts of the face used to promote a film need to be crossed off the list of acceptable items anyway. But for eyes, there's a special place for them since they're used so often.

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I overthink a lot of things. Will talk about pretty much anything for a great length of time. I'm obsessed with General Slocum from the 2002 Spider-Man film. I have questions that were never answered in that entire trilogy!