15 Movie Sequels You Had No Idea Were Happening

9. The Strangers: Part II

The Original: An atmospheric and genuinely creepy horror flick about a young couple (Liv Tyler and Scott Speedman) who are terrorised by three masked maniacs. Despite mixed reviews, The Strangers grossed an impressive $82 million against a lean $9 million budget, and has endured as something of a cult film. The Sequel: A second movie was announced shortly after the original came out, and despite several stop-starts, the latest update a few months ago insists that the sequel is definitely going behind cameras, hopefully this year. Will It Be Any Good?: Liv Tyler will be back but only in a small role (so it's pretty safe to assume she probably gets killed off), while the plot pretty much sounds like a rehash of the original. It's also unknown whether the movie will be theatrically released or straight-to-VOD, so in the case of the latter, it'll probably lack the budget and star power of the original. Don't write it off completely yet, though, as VOD isn't quite the dumping ground that straight-to-video has been known for over the decades.

Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.