15 Movie Trailers You Won't Believe Were Allowed To Exist

2. "From The Director Of American Graffiti" - Star Wars

Looking back at the mammoth legacy of Star Wars today, it's honestly tough to believe the first film succeeded at all off the back of this howlingly terrible trailer.

Even cutting it some slack for being 40 years old, the trailer's horrendous voiceover narration ("somewhere in space, this may all be happening right now"), nonsensical editing and discordant tone all conspire to suggest a film that surely would've failed to connect with audiences.

Far from the whimsical space opera George Lucas, "the director of American Graffiti" as he's hilariously billed here, ended up delivering, this trailer implied a darker, messier product and basically just vomited scenes and faces at the audience with zero context.

That the film survived such awful advertising is a testament to the enormous power of Lucas' sci-fi masterpiece.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.