15 Movie Trailers You Won't Believe Were Allowed To Exist

13. Nickelback Scores The Worst TV Spot Ever - Batman Begins

No, you're not dreaming, and no, this isn't a fake trailer mocked up by some kid in Windows Movie Maker, no matter how much it seems like it.

This 30-second TV spot for Batman Begins uses Nickelback's mammoth hit tune "Someday" to try and sell the movie to, well, the kind of people who like Nickelback, even though it clashes horribly (and hilariously) with everything on screen.

To try and soften things a little, the spot focuses heavily on Katie Holmes' Rachel Dawes, playing-up the movie's romantic aspects while clearly trying to appeal to Dawson's Creek fans.

There you have it, a half-minute of horror that wants to be all things to all people, and as such is probably nothing to any of them. Still, it's arguably not quite as bad as the ABC Family promo for the movie from a few years ago. Enjoy...

"He fights for family and lives for love." Christ.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.